Work has evolved greatly over time. The way we work and the types of work it has all changed. Even the concept of work is a bit obscure.
What exactly is “work”? Many of us define work as doing remedial tasks that you don’t want to do to make money to survive. This view makes “work” appear to be slightly negative and not enjoyable. If Susie is found to be working on a Friday night, or working on the weekends, many people would think poor Susie lives a sad life and needs to make more friends. Work seems to be defined as something that people work to avoid doing as if it shouldn’t be enjoyable. My name is not Susie, but there are plenty of weekends that I rather stay in learning new skills and “working” than going out partying. .
So what differentiates pursuing a passion and hobby vs work? Is it only work if what you are doing is something you don’t like or if it’s attached to your livelihood? I threw out a lot of questions but now it time start finding some answers.
Enter Mr. Corilois
Physics aside, the term work was first introduced in 1826 by the French mathematician Gaspard-Gustve Coriolis as “weight lifted through a height” which is based on the use of early steam engines to lift buckets of water out of flooded ore mines. Not sure what you do for fun, but lifting buckets of water for 8 hours of day definitely would get old, real quick. So maybe work does have to suck. However perhaps you are into that shit, and I will hold off on my judgments. Regardless of it you like what you are doing for “work” or not, work has changed and evolved of the years. Lets take a brief, very brief history of work and its evolution.
There was a time when humans never had to work. This all abruptly ended in a brief moment in the book of Genesis after Eve took a bite of that forbidden pineapple . Paradise on earth ended and bitches had to start working for their food. (All because of that one bitch: Eve.) Mind you, before you start making your assumptions, bitch defined as Babe In Total Control of Herself. Yeah, and that one bitch Eve took total control of herself and human-kind for that matter and fucked it up for everyone. What a badass.
(maybe take out this sentence, you mention. Killing animals. Picking berries. Maybe making some fire. In the beginning when tribes were small, it was more of an exchange system. You made sure everyone had what they needed. Someone eventually caught something and gave you a chunk of meat then you shared some of your berries. It all seemed to work out, a functioning quasi—communism Yet as tribes got bigger there started to be a shift. You and your closest 50 best friends got harder to feed and making sure everyone got what they needed was a little less manageable. Scarcity increased and we needed to start growing some food.
Enter The Agriculture Revolution. We needed to produce food and lots of it. We started mass planting seeds establishing irrigation systems and using animals to help us grow some greens. The majority of the populace became farmers.
As the demand for more food rose along with the population, also came the need for equipment to produce it faster. A few men had a lot of time on their hands and started inventing complex contraptions to help achieve these goals.. A few more centuries and it’s the Industrial Revolution which had Europe in a race to create machines that increased productivity and Joe traded his Farm hat in for his Factory cap. Manufacturing and factories then became one of the main sources of livelihood and facets in the work culture.
Flash forward a few more decades with more inventions pursuing further development, and the word technology found its way to the zeitgeist. More of the blue collar workers faded out to be white collared. Aching backs and sore feet from hard labor started to becoming carpal tunnel and migraines from staring at a screen all day. The office became a space for a different type of worker.
If there’s one development created in the last half a century that changed our lives, it has got to be the internet. It connected the world in no way any foreign policy and diplomatic ties would; and access to information was literally at our fingertips. Teaching, selling products, and communicating could all be done online. The screams and screeching of dial-up signified the birth of the digital revolution.
Work R(evolution)
With the conveniences offered by the internet, more people were able to start taking advantage of its benefits. Coordinating tasks and team members could be virtually done through e-mails, e-calendars, and just about every e-based collaboration tool created with organization and teamwork in mind. Communicating is easier than ever with mobile apps available for one-on-one messaging, and conferencing, perfect for team meetings and trainings. The office space has become a blurred concept.
Birth of the Digital Nomad
People could work from anywhere. In the comfort of their mom’s basement or on the beach in a tropical Island. The office began to represent a rat race where personal power diminished and being trapped in a 9-5 was dreaded. Location independence became a more sought after value and not only employees but employers seemed to follow. The freedom and flexibilty in the workplace allows companies to hire talent from all over the world, avoid paying for physical offices spaces and all those fancy snacks you eat when you are not hungry and bored at work. Working remotely seemed to increase employee satisfaction and happiness. Satisfied employees perform better, and that’s good for any organization.
Employees could earn their own country’s salary and live in a country with a lower cost of living. You could save for the future while also traveling the world!
Online courses are available for further studies to improve skills and trade. Freelance sites are available to take jobs on the side on top of your regular one. Or completely take the freelance route and just take jobs as you please, on your own pace. You could learn how to sell products online. Create your own courses on how to make money online by teaching how to make money online. People are regaining their personal power and there freedom to live anywhere. And its easier than ever with Airbnb to rent out your space for extra $$ and flight costs being cheaper than they have ever been.
A location-independent lifestyle, is still a foreign concept for most people, who have been raised under the collective norm that lives are supposed to fall into set patterns. You go to an office, work a 9–5 to pay off a mortgage to one day get married and make some babies But this rising tide of entrepreneurship will open doors for more people to engage in alternative lifestyles, particularly as long-term travel and online work become the norm however for women it is still less common.
Enter Fembeasts
ecent stats from Tropical MBA, one of the largest location independent communities, states that only 15-17% of women make up their community. Tim Ferriss who encouraged this location independent lifestyle has similar stats of women only making up around 15% of his listeners.
It’s those in the 15% who aren’t afraid to be different, take the risk, and step outside the norm of what society says our life “should” look like. .
We always have those rebels, those trail-blazers, and those Rosie the Riveters who didn’t think pushing babies out of our vaginas was enough work and wanted to join the workforce circa with our men. Just as in WWII, women are likewise making their way into the whole Digital Nomad thing.
We also want to wake up in our beach-front bungalow. Work from our laptops. Save 60% of our income. Surf during our lunch break and explore the world.
Fembeasts are location independent female entrepreneurs. . The women who aren’t afraid to stand out and defy what is expected of them.
The badass women, travelling the world, making a difference, having fun, committed to building a community that says this work-lifestyle is possible and isn’t just for the boys
Watch out boys, we are coming for ya.